Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Personalized Chocolate Poker Chips What's The Best Way To Personalize Chocolate?

What's the best way to personalize chocolate? - personalized chocolate poker chips

I want to make small squares of chocolate cake for my wedding. What is the best way to write the initials or personalized chocolate squares? Letter directly to the tubes of ice? Use a stencil and spray paint? Or is there a local company that will be money well? I live in San Diego. Thank you!


Sarahz said...

"Yes, you can candy molds to a local craft store or buy a bakery (I know Michael's craft) they melted, then your own chocolate and pour into molds, let cool and pop em out?

joe p said...

You can decorate cakes edible gold leaf will receive your room that is half or brush on the use of a model or if you want, then brush the leaves of gold that could be better, the 10-carat chocolate for a wedding and your precious memories for most of the guests

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